
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Alejandro and the Illuminati

I don't know what to make of Lady Gaga's new dark and androgynous music video. I must admit that her theatrics compel me to watch her videos. And whenever I do, I experience mixed feelings. On one heart valve, I'm amused, even entertained. Her bizarre ideas shock to the point of addiction. You want to see what she will do next. 

But on the other half of the valve, I am disturbed. Something diabolic and ominous lurks behind every image. Being the intellectual pop artist that she is (oxymoronic?), Lady Gaga infuses her images with meaning. And have you seen the way she talks about her art? It's as if she's on a mission or something. You hear her saying, "I'm just trying to change the world one sequin at a time."

So, when an obscure video like Alejandro comes out, I itch to deconstruct. A lot of speculators have opined on the hidden meaning. And their views range from occultism to alien abduction. I get migraines trying to make sense of these equally bizarre interpretation so I'm settling with a huge question mark for now. (Besides, do I prove anything out of a correct interpretation?)

One thing that adds to my confusion is all this Illuminati business. I have a Facebook friend who keeps sending me videos like this. She sends a lot. She spends a lot of time researching connections between Illuminati and pop music. She's pretty convincing too. 

All the conspiracy documentaries floating on the net creates a quagmire of interpretation. What to do with all these ideas pulling me to and away from patronizing pop music? Should I also go on a quest to warn the world of Illuminati invasion? Or should I stop thinking, sing along with Gaga and just dance?

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