Only in the city does a person get overstimulated. Stimulants here are amplified beyond the human capacity. So we get brain drain. I found a few tips in my email about recharging the brain and I'm posting them here so I have reasons to junk them and make space in my cluttered, info-overloaded inbox. Don't overdose reading them.
It's late and I cannot eloquently share to cyberspace my dilemma tonight. But I'm linking an article I just read that gave me some perspective and relief. Hope this clues you in on what I'm going through right now.
How can you move on from a big mistake? I did so many wrong turns and choices in my life that I fear to take another step. I cannot move on with my life. I am stuck. I feel that there is nothing enjoyable in my life right now. I made a wrong course in college and I feel that it is determining the course of my life right now. I feel incomplete, always searching for something vague. I am disatisfied with myself. I cannot stop thinking of what-if scenarios.
Bumming can be tiring. And I am sick of it. I've been trapped inside the house for a week now. The air's making me dizzy already. All week I was on the net, browsing all sorts of stuff. I'm supposed to work on my readings, but somehow I cannot find the energy to concentrate. I know this is self-destruction warmed up. So I need to find a way to push myself into productiveness.
I don't know what to make of Lady Gaga's new dark and androgynous music video. I must admit that her theatrics compel me to watch her videos. And whenever I do, I experience mixed feelings. On one heart valve, I'm amused, even entertained. Her bizarre ideas shock to the point of addiction. You want to see what she will do next.
It's been six years since I last thought of putting up a blog. I never really pursued it. So, I stop counting the many attempts I had. I'm finally putting up one again and hopefully I have the guts to keep it going. Looking back (which is something you should not do unless you're totally prepared for what you're going to see again), I think about the reasons why I fail on keeping a blog.